
Prönö Articles

What is the Prönö Help Hub?

We have built the Prönö Help Hub because we believe we should not have to send out multiple one-to-one emails or make numerous phone calls to find someone who can help you. Our Help Hub is a place where you can ask for help, offer

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How do I seek help on the Prönö Help Hub?

If you need help, but cannot think of someone who can help you. Visit the Help Hub.  Instead of googling for a service provider or do-it-yourself solutions, you can simply seek help. You can choose how wide you want to spread your help request and

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How do I offer help on the Help Hub?

If you are actively looking for new projects, you should definitely visit here frequently.  On the Prönö Help Hub you can see when somebody is looking for help in your area of expertise.  When you see an interesting help request, you can comment on it

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How do I communicate on the Help Hub?

So, you have asked for help – and you hopefully received a lot of responses. Now, you are free to contact whomever you want.  We want anyone to be able to ask for help on Prönö without having to drown in phone calls or emails,

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Who should I invite?

You already know that when you have all your partners and service providers in your circle you can ask for help with just a few clicks. And that’s why you should make sure you invite all of them and recommend them. Your customers know you

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Can I invite customers I have not yet met?

Sure! If you are having a hard time reaching your future customers why not invite them to Prönö? By inviting them, you are actually doing them a huge favor. They are obviously busy people, and Prönö can help them manage their time better. After they

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Why should I complete my Prönö Profile?

Prönö doesn’t have a feed where you can promote yourself or tell stories. We recommend LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram for that purpose. What Prönö has, however, is limitless business opportunities.  Your Prönö profile is you, not your company or your CV. It’s you.It is

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What should my Prönö Bio say?

Your Prönö Bio should not be your company sales pitch. Express what you want people to know about YOU. Whatever it is, write the most important text first (app 100 characters), as that is what makes someone click on your profile. And that’s when you

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Why share my values?

All of us want to work with people we have something in common with. Your values are who you are, and sharing them does not make you better or worse as a professional. But it makes it easier for other prönös to find you. We

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Why share my dreams?

When you share your dream, we can connect you with people who can help you achieve it. It will come up in the feeds of the prönös who have added you to their own Circles. Aim high. It’s your dream – we will try to

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What email should I use?

You can and definitely should add all the email addresses you are using. That way, we can tell all the people who invite you to Prönö that you are already here!  You can choose which email address you want the community to see. 

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What if I do not want to be found?

We understand that not everybody wants to be found or contacted.  But the Prönö platform is different. On Prönö, you actually WANT to be found, even if you don’t want to be contacted.See the difference: Be found but NOT contacted. The more people find you

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Why should I use Prönö search?

There are a few benefits to using Prönö search. 1. Find the best professionals and “Save” them to your circles. We do not have any ads – so you can actually see who is recommended instead of who is shouting the loudest. 2. You can

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How does Prönö search work?

Prönö search is super simple to use. Just click on “Search” in your toolbox on the left to be taken directly to the Prönö search tool. There are two key ways to use it: You can search by name, if you already know someone you

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How do I know who others are recommending?

There are a few ways to find out who recommendations on the platform. Go to anyone’s profile and see who recommended them and who they are recommending in the Recommendations tab on top.  In your circles, dive into “Recommendations” tab. Find out all who recommend

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Why does Prönö not have ads?

To tell you the truth. Nobody likes ads. At least none of us do.  We believe that the best people should stand out without advertising or content marketing. Our ranking criteria is not based on keywords or auctions, but actual recommendations. You can find the

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How do people know that I am on Prönö?

Being on Prönö is always smart. But it is even smarter when you have all your trusted people in your Circle.  Prönö is new to most, so let others know about it! Here are some things you can do to spread the word:  Add your

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Who can I recommend?

You can recommend anyone who deserves to be found. Recommend those who you really know are good professionals and that you have worked with in the past or are working with right now. Recommending is the easiest tool to help those who deserve to be

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Who can see my circles?

Your circles are private. Only your recommendations are visible to others.  We want to draw the line between those you recommend and know can help others, and those you are not yet sure about, but would like to know better. You would not recommend someone

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What does the heart icon mean?

The heart icon is a sign that you both have clicked “I’m here if you need me”. That means that you both would like to work with each other. If you already do, there’s no need to contact one another – but if you don’t,

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Can I send messages through Prönö?

No. You cannot send messages through Prönö. We want to enable interaction when there is an actual need expressed. And by an actual need we mean that somebody is seeking help, a partner, sparring or something else on our Help Hub. Before that point, we

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What are my circles?

The circles are the core of our platform. “Your circles” is the place where you have the people you would like to work with, your recommendations and people you want to remember. You can offer your help to anyone without asking their permission or disturbing

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