
Business coaching

for high-performing leaders reaching for the top. Get access to one of the largest networks of certified Business Coaches and get to work with any or many of them. 

Reach your maximum​

No athlete has reached the top without a coach and no leaders should try to do that either. With Prönö you can get direct access to hundreds of experienced Business coaches available on the platform, book online coaching sessions with a flexible pricing model and become the best version of you.  

We will help you select the right coach and give you a 100% money-back guarantee if we can’t find one single coach you would like to meet. Get started without long commitments. 

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Executive and Business Coaches Available to Serve Your Needs

Our coaches have seen it all. The rises and the dawns, the addictions and burnouts and the leaders ready to grow and through away the obstacles. They have the experience and the methods for you to find the right ways to move forward as the best of you.


We will be there for you to help you with selecting the right coach for you, but you always have the last say about who you want to be coached by.

Coaching for what?

Executive Coaching is a personal and trusted professional relationship that focuses on improving your performance and reach your goals. The duration is typically 3-6 months with bi-weekly virtual meetings.

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It is time to turn your goals into reality

Your success is your business. But not many can reach the next level alone. Getting guidance from those who have already  done it before can prove to be priceless. 


Our top business coaches have minimum of 10 years of executive business experience and strong coaching credentials. They understand business and leaders and human.


We will personally help you with selecting the right coach based on your needs and walk you through the steps to getting to meet the right coach or coaches.

Changing the way business expertise is bought

Through Prönö, you get direct access to more Coaches than through almost any other service provider. Automated sessions booking, billing and reporting for leaderships teams gives you the ability to focus on the coaching instead of admin. You can operate risk-free, change coaches if needed, meet new coaches or book sessions also with top industry advisors without additional charges. 


With our unique platform model, we can provide more value with smaller investment. 

Flexible Pricing

Our Coaches are pricing their services per 50 minute session.  Every coach has their price visible on the platform, so you always know how much you are paying for their services. Sessions are paid with credits that you can purchase with your credit card. Our money-back guarantee makes meeting your new coach 100% risk-free and you can even meet multiple coaches to 

Some companies our professionals have worked for

This how we'll find your coach

Get Access

Get access to the Prönö Platform and browse all available candidates on the Marketplace. 


We will recommend you the best fit coaches based on your unique needs. You can take our advice or make your own choices 100% risk-free.

Meet Your Coach

Meet your coach on our platform, meet again or change the coach if the match was not perfect. On our platform you can do that. 

Start your journey here

Fill out the form, tell us what type of coach are you looking for.
We will pre-select the best-fit candidates and set up a meeting with you to evaluate the candidates.  

You can also just book a meeting meeting with us to discuss,
if you are not sure what type of coaches you are looking for. 

Changing the way business knowledge is shared and bought, as already mentioned in…