Once again, we have good news! We are very grateful and happy to share that Prönö has two amazing new advisory board members: Canay Atalay and Rudy de Waele.
But how did this happen and why? The story goes back to 2008.
That was the year Helene first met Rudy de Waele, when her company Zipipop was honoured as the best Early Stage Start-up at the Mobile 2.0 event in Barcelona. “Rudy was smart and friendly”, she recalls about meeting him.
She continues, “When Prönö was becoming a reality and the first mock-ups had already been developed by Nordkapp, I had this sudden intuition that I should contact Rudy, that maybe he could help me somehow, so I sent him a message.
His response was quick, and they scheduled a virtual meeting along with his partner Canay Atalay.
Helene soon learned that Canay graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Boğaziçi University, and she has helped leading brands and startups design and develop over 250 digital services’ experiences, business models and digital transformation programs, across more than 15 countries worldwide.
By the end of their meeting, Helene was blown away by their wisdom and positive attitude: “They were amazing, and I immediately felt a connection with them. Afterwards, I told many of my friends that I would work with them for a long time – that I had found the people I want to be working with. And that feeling is a feeling of trust and a joint mission.” Some might say this was destiny, but Helene doesn’t believe in destiny as such. 🙂
Prönö is aimed to be a conscious business, operating globally. That is why Helene believes it is important to have advisors who keep her thinking globally while also reminding her about different cultures. As Prönö is built on top of trust, it is important to also understand how trust varies among different cultures.
“I’m particularly happy to be working with Canay, a female leader with experience in many different fields”, Helene concludes.
(By the way, Helene is also excited to be joining Canay Atalay’s six-week Heroine’s journey program.)So, thank you dear Canay and Rudy, for believing and trusting in Prönö and me and especially joining us. You can read more about Canay and Rudy, here and here.
Canay Atalay

Canay Atalay is a global cultural innovation strategist, conscious business model designer and keynote speaker. She guides game changers with 5D Conscious Business Model design program, to re-invent and transform themselves, their leadership cultures and businesses.
She is the co-founder of Conscious Learning Tribe (CLT) and The UnConference, a platform for community of leaders and game-changers striving to accelerate the transition to more conscious, sustainable, inclusive, meaningful, and holistic futures.
She is a graduate from Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology (MIT) and Bogazici University. She has helped leading brands and startups design and develop over 250 digital services’ experiences, business models and digital transformation programs, across more than 15 countries across the globe. These include Bayer, BBVA, Coca Cola, Mastercard, Nike, P&G, Pfizer, Unilever, United Nations, Turkish Airlines and Vodafone. Previously, I was the country leader of Fjord Design & Innovation at Accenture Interactive.
She is the initiator of Children First World, a conscious innovation movement for the radical inclusion of children in the design processes of their own lives and futures. She is vegan for peace, and lives in Ibiza, Spain with her family.
Rudy de Waele

Rudy de Waele is a conscious business and life design strategist, futurist, humanist, keynote speaker, content curator and author. He assists global brands, entrepreneurs and start-ups, companies and organizations with cutting-edge open innovation strategies using new methodologies to re-invent and transform business.
Rudy specialises in technology trend forecasts and analysis, transformational methods and insights, ideas exchange on how to thrive in the new economy, and how to design a conscious business and meaningful life.
Rudy is the co-founder of Human Works, a company that creates learning programs and experiences, to facilitate innovation in the fields of conscious learning, technology, the circular economy and sustainability. He is the co-founder of Conscious Learning Tribe (CLT), a community of leaders and game-changers striving to accelerate the transition to more conscious, sustainable, inclusive, meaningful, and holistic futures. The CLT mission is to create a better planet by offering cutting-edge experiences and insights for emerging or current leaders, unifying them all into a global tribe.
Rudy is also the co-founder of Children First World, a ground-breaking movement pushing for the inclusion of children and a children-first approach to design and innovation, to help awaken the inner child within all of us.
Rudy was previously known internationally as a thought leader in the Mobile 2.0 movement. He was a proponent of open innovation and the development of the app economy ecosystem, and he still lectures regularly at top technology conferences. Read his Mobile Trends 2020 collaborative work published in 2010.