
TOP 10 tips to become
an advisor on Prönö

Become an advisor

In a world where all information is available in seconds, finding and buying the knowledge and services you need still takes a lot of effort. We want to change how expertise is shared, bought, and found. A more straightforward path between companies and professionals.  If you are looking to share your expertise or want to find new companies to work with. Here are the top 10 ways how we can help you do that. 

Be found by companies

Being found online takes time and dedication to creating content or reaching out to people directly. You also need money to get someone to notice you. On Prönö platform, being found is about the experince and values you have, not about the content you create. Here’s how you can standout:

Be a PRO or at least proactive

Sales and marketing expenses are on top of the list for any professionals cut-down list. If you don’t have time or will to do networking or social selling, but you are looking for new opportunities, our platform can help you do just that.

Seize new opportunities every week.

Nobody likes to receive too many emails and notifications unless they are relevant opportunities to seize. We will be focusing all our communication efforts on the needs of the companies on our platform, the same companies you have direct access and might be your next customers.


1. Learn to summarize your experience

On any platform your bio needs to be compelling and eye-catching. It is hard to summarize everything into a short bio text, but you should always do your best. On our platform you DO NOT have to repeat your name, profession, or even values, as they are highlighted for the reader anyways. Cross-check what is shown on your profile and summarize HOW you can help the companies and WHO you have worked with in the past and want to work with in the future. 

2. Do not hide your expertise

When contacting companies with email or phone calls you need to narrow down and select your approach. In Prönö and in your profile you should do the opposite and list all the things you are capable to share your advice to the companies who find you. You can add 3 professions and all relevant expertise areas. This way you can also be notified when opportunities that meet you needs arise. 

3. Become an industry or customer advisor

Your experience can be valuable for a large number of companies. By adding your industry into your profile, we can connect you to companies that are looking to find advisors who are looking to learn from or sell to people like you. You can make money by sharing your advice and they can focus on the things that are most relevant for the buyers.  

4. Think about opportunities outside of the box

We tend to categorize individuals (and ourselves) into one box. In Prönö you can be open to new opportunities in multiple roles. You can be a Vice President looking to become a startup investor or a freelancer looking to become a Board member.
In Prönö you will
A) hear about the opportunities you want
B) be found with the filters you have selected
C) by the companies you have added.
Make sure you check every box in your profile under
“Open for Opportunities in…” 


Companies our advisors have worked for

5. Monetize or share your expertise

Our goal is to help you to find the role you want. You can decide if you want to get paid for your services or if you want to find positions where you can share your expertise and get inspiration and learning in return. Both options are free and available for you in Prönö, so if you and to update your existing profile, create your new profile or apply to become a PRO Advisor and get paid – just do it. 


6. Select the companies you want to work with

Being one of over 3000 advisors on our marketplace might not open all the opportunities you want. Access to over 200 Companies and their individual Advisory Pools gives you the opportunity to select the companies you want to work with. Add yourself to any number of Company pools for free, and add your intro to let them know how you can help them. These companies can book at least one session with you for free, so you can see if you have found the match you have been looking for.  

7. Find the companies that share your goals

Finding companies that share your values and are working towards the same goals can be tough, but we are here to help you with that. Filter all the companies who are working for the right UN Sustainable development Goals and see their values from their company profile. Make sure you have listed your SDG’s and values in your profile to be found when we search for the right advisors to match with our companies. 

8. Let them know how you can help

Adding yourself to a company pool is as easy as one click, but so is leaving your intro. Be detailed on how you would like to help this specific company or what was the opportunity that sparked the interest to make yourself available for them. You can only make 1st impression once, but you can always update your intro later. Get them to click on the Book a meeting by letting them know you truly are there for them. 

Companies we have worked with

9. Stay in the Prönö loop

We are creating new opportunities for our community every single day, but you do not have to be at the platform waiting to hear from them. Make sure you are receiving, opening and perhaps clicking on our weekly emails, and that they are reaching you in your primary email address you use constantly. Updating your preferences can easily be done at the bottom of every emil you receive from us. 

10. Be the 1st one at the scene

Be sure you follow us on both LinkedIn and Instagram. These will be the channels where you can hear about the new opportunities 1st and can act before others. Comment, like and share the posts and they will pop up for you more regularly, or perhaps tag people from your community who should hear about these opportunities.

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