prono building with clock

What is Prönö organization account for?

Prönö organization is for you to be able to find the partners, freelancers and teams that want to work with you. We are building a platform where that is as easy as possible for you. Grow your circle on the platform and communicate directly on the Help Hub or take it to more in-depth discussions offline. 

Organisation profile in Prönö is for helping your potential partners to find you. Show case why you are an organization they would want to help by showing why you exist and why they should be there for you. It is not for you to showcase your offering or achievements, but you can link the most common platforms for them to take a closer look. 

With Prönö organization profile you can list out all the areas of expertise you are most likely to need help with. By showing your expected needs you can help us connect you with the right professionals already before you have the urgent need. 

If you want to offer your expertise and services to other companies, you can do it with your own individual profile. We want the organizations on our platform to be able to see the people behind the logos and get recommended for their achievements. 


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