
Want to see who is your perfect match in business?

AI is changing the we do search. ChatGPT has replaced Google in many instances and the way we find partners, both in life and in business, is changing. We have already made thousands of professionals available through our platform, but now we are looking to take the next step, and build the future of how business expertise is shared and bought. 

We are making Prönö AI Matching available to a limited number of company leaders currently looking for a board member or an executive advisor. You will get a change to experience 1st hand how easy it is to meet the expertise you need. 

You will get a free access to thousands of professionals, meet them and help us develop the future together.

Sign up to the waiting list now and be the 1st one to step into the future.  


Signup for waiting list

We will inform you when you can start testing our AI-powered search.