
How Saana Found 2 Co-Founders to Kickstart her Dream on Prönö

Impact companies are often started with a dream for a better tomorrow. While there’s always plenty of work and obstacles in the way of finally achieving that, it’s all born from just that one thing.

Saana found two co-founder’s to make her dream come true.

For Saana Siivola, founder of Slow Living, that dream was creating sustainable and high quality home textiles for infants. Here’s how she was able to find help quick-starting her company with Prönö. 

Saana wanted to find someone to make her dream come true. In her search for co-founders from different areas of expertise to share her vision, Saana came across Prönö. After getting in touch with her directly and understanding what she was looking for, we set off to find the right professionals for her from our platform. We posted a notice on Prönö and eagerly waited to see what happened next.  

Her notice ended up making a splash in the community with 20 eager applicants throwing their hat in the ring. Saana finally landed on two people who matched exactly what she was looking for, experts in design and circular economies. 

What’s Slow Living

We have all seen the tempting ads online for cheap alternatives of high quality products. 

France recently sparked the conversation of quality vs. price with their decision to delist Wish, an online ecommerce store, from app stores after findings showed that most electronics and toys reaching buyers did not pass European safety regulations.

Price tag and sustainability aside, are these the kind of products you would give to your child?

Saana Silvola refused and started her company Slow Living with the purpose of giving parents a safer option. She wants to produce long lasting and high quality home textiles for infants and toddlers aged 0-2. 

“When I became a mom, I realized how children’s textiles are filled with chemicals, glue and other oddments. I wasn’t excited when I had to put those next to my child’s skin – but I couldn’t find alternatives. That’s why I first had the idea to help little ones have a better and fresher start to their lives. I wanted to start producing better choices for children’s home textiles, so I established Slow Living.” -Saana Siivola, Founder of Slow Living

Want to help Slow Living in the future? Let them know you’re interested by joining their advisory pool right with just one click on Prönö.

Does your company need help?

Supporting impact companies like Slow Living is at the heart of Prönö’s mission.

As any self-starter knows, there’s always a million things on the to-do-list when running a business and one’s own experience and expertise can only stretch so far. Having a few more helping hands from different professions is a surefire method of cutting through the to-do-list much faster. 

What challenges is your impact company facing this week? Reaching a sustainable future is a team effort and we can quickly form that dream team for you. Create your company profile on Prönö today and get instantly connected to the best professionals in your industry. What’s your dream?


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