
Find impact companies that are looking for you

On Prönö, you can see which companies share your goals and are actively looking for your expertise. You don’t need to try to find contact details for these companies – because it takes only one click to add yourself to their advisory pool. You don’t have to come back every day – because we will let you know when you are needed. Getting to work on something more meaningful has never been this easy.

What type of advisors are companies looking for?

Companies on Prönö are working to create a more sustainable future. They are at different stages of their journeys and from different industries, but they all have some common areas of business where they are actively looking for advice. 

Nowadays companies might have trouble identifying what is exactly their need. That is, after all, the exact reason why they are looking for advisors! 😄

To help identify and understand where the pain is and who most likely can help, we have created seven different categories in which we can show you the companies looking for your advice. 

Leadership – advisors to help you with strategy and planning
Growth – advisors in marketing, sales, communications
Product and development – for technical or product related advisors
People, culture & performance – for sustainability, diversity and other team-performance needs
Creativity – for outside-of-the box thinkers and creators
Operations – for specific operational excellence in areas like legal or finance
Industrial expertise – for finding industry experts (like you)

As an advisor, you do not need to select your category, as the professions you select for your profile will automatically make you available for these categories.

And you are free to add yourself to any company pool, regardless of whether they are looking for your expertise or not. They might not be looking for you today, but tomorrow could be a different story. Adding yourself to an advisory pool is free and only takes one click. 

📽️ See how easily you can yourself in companies’ pool – in less than 30 seconds!

What happens when I add myself to a company’s advisory pool?

After adding yourself to a company pool (with just one click), the company will find you in their pool on the platform and can request your advice or buy your services (also with one click). So, instead of having to try and find the right contact person, connect via LinkedIn, send out emails and call to follow up, all with no guarantee of success, you already know which companies are interested and you can just… click, of course.

When a company finds you, it’s time for your impact advisory hour. An impact hour is a 60-minute online session for you to talk about how you could work together and scale your impact together. It doesn’t require more than a “normal” level of preparation – scanning the profiles and websites of the company – and possibly reviewing a few key objectives of the meeting and the possible follow-up sessions.

Impact hours are a tool to show companies that you want to work with them. We are trying to minimize the time people spend chasing each other and trying to find each other – and maximize the time people are interacting and co-creating. So, instead of spending an hour sending emails and making unanswered calls, it might make sense to spend that hour solving problems and forming lasting relationships.


👀 See who is looking for you. With our smart categories you can always see which companies are looking for your type of expertise and make yourself available.
🙋 Be found. With over 3000+ advisors already on our platform, you will multiply your chances of being found by adding yourself to company advisory pools.
💚 Impact hour. Adding yourself to the advisory pool of any company on our platform means that you are ready to spend a free impact hour solving their problems.

However, if you DON’T want to give free advice to any companies working for a more sustainable future, you don’t have to. The Internet is full of advisory platforms where you can promote your services, so you might want to stay on LinkedIn. And you also DO NOT have to set your categories. But for some, finding advising opportunities through Prönö has been a game-changing move. Spend a few minutes on Prönö, and those just might be the best few minutes you will ever spend professionally.

What does it cost?

You can create your advisor profile for only 99€ for 3 months or for as low as 19,90€/ month with a 12-month subscription. See pricing here. Select your session price level and start selling your advisory services through our platform with a 20% service fee.

Our mission is to help impact companies grow faster with mission-driven advisors. Be part of the change, and make your impact. 


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