
Future of Work: Part-time executive positions on the rise

Attention all executives, there is a new trend in town that may just be the career path you’ve been looking for: part-time executive positions. The Wall Street Journal recently published an article about this trend and we at Prönö have been seeing it gaining momentum among our 3300+ professional community members.

As workers search for more flexibility in their career paths, part-time executive (fractional executives) positions are becoming increasingly popular. These positions allow for executives to work with two or more clients at a time in part-time leadership positions, such as chief financial officer or chief marketing officer. This non-traditional career path is particularly attractive to mid- to late-career professionals who are looking for new options that allow for more flexibility.

As seasoned professionals, fractional executives can offer their expertise and skills to small to medium-sized companies that need certain sets of skills to grow effectively but lack the scale to hire full-time executives.

So why is this happening now?
The trend of part-time executive jobs is gaining momentum because workers expect to live and work longer, and they’re looking for new career options that allow for more flexibility. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the trend, with a sharp rise in demand for these positions seen since the pandemic began. People value free time and working on multiple projects while learning at the same time.

How to get there?
If you’re interested in becoming a part-time executive or advisor, there are ways to get there. Advisory positions may be one way to start, and if you have skills and the desire to work on new projects and growth companies, Prönö can definitely help. Join Prönö as an advisor here.

So why not consider a non-traditional career path as a part-time executive or advisor? It may just be the perfect fit for your desired work-life balance and career goals.


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