
Meet our new investors

Our investor round exceeded our expectations! We are excited to announce that Prönö has recently secured funding from some impressive investors who share our vision of transforming the way professionals and companies connect and collaborate. We are grateful for their support and thrilled to have them on board while we continue to grow and expand our service. 

It’s time to introduce our new investors and what drove each of them to invest in Prönö. With their support, we are now even more ready to make Knowledge-as-a-Service accessible to all companies and all professionals. So without further ado, let’s meet our amazing new investors!


Mikko Ayub

With more than 20 years in the financial industry, Mikko has accumulated a wealth of experience in management and finance. Previously, he served as President & CEO of Bank Aktia

Mikko Ayub has a Master of Science degree in Economics, Statistics, and Mathematics from the University of Helsinki. Mikko also has an MBA in Finance from Hanken School of Economics.

Why did you invest in Prönö?

Prönö’s idea of offering Knowledge-as-a-Service is very exciting – it comes quite close to offering Service-as-a-Service (Saas) – and it is easy to envision how this can help many companies, small and big. Prönö is also in a very interesting phase of its corporate journey, one could even call it the sweet spot of a corporate journey. Growth, many new customers, many good ideas, and lots of possibilities coming in.” 

Jukka Hallman

Jukka Hallman is a visionary entrepreneur, CEO, and investor with a passion for driving innovation and disrupting traditional business models. Jukka thrives on identifying and supporting groundbreaking ideas with the potential to transform industries and the traditional way things are done.

Why did you invest in Prönö?

“I chose to invest in Prönö, as I was captivated by their compelling vision and insightful perspective on the direction in which the future of work is evolving.”

Mirva Merimaa

Mirva is the entrepreneur and CEO of Tiketti Oy, a member of the board of directors for Tapahtumateollisuus ry as well as for Suomen Musiikki & Media Oy, and the chair of the creative industry network’s executive committee for Suomen Yrittäjät (Finnish Entrepreneurs). Mirva’s professional background spans various aspects of the music, media, and event industries in Finland.

Why did you invest in Prönö?

“When I heard about Prönö, I got really excited, as I hadn’t heard about this type of concept before: anyone can book a virtual 1-to-1 session with top professionals with just a few clicks. Like a candy shop of minds.”


Essi Sarkakari-Kosamo

Essi Sarkakari-Kosamo is a dedicated professional with experience in finance, investments, and marketing. She offers financial and investment coaching to individuals and entrepreneurs, as well as free financial coaching for over-indebted families. In addition, she began serving as a business mentor in the Pohjois-Savon region in spring 2022, focusing on finance and marketing. Essi has worked in the financial sector, primarily in wealth management with banks such as Nordea and OP.

Why did you invest in Prönö?

“I invested in Prönö because I was so impressed with Helene’s and Pasi’s attitude. As soon as I met them, I had a feeling that I could trust their vision, and it would be enjoyable to work with them.”

Katri Sipilä

Katri is an Experienced CEO, lawyer, and professional board member. Currently working as a consultant, coach, and mentor in the Deve Partners network, she now focuses on helping owners, boards, and management to succeed, grow, and develop. Katri provides training in HHJ and HAB courses, leads company-specific board and management team coaching, and offers personal executive coaching. 

Her legal expertise spans corporate governance, company, association, and foundation law, intellectual property rights (IPR), licensing and other contracts, and corporate responsibility.

Why did you invest in Prönö?

“I encourage female entrepreneurs and trust Helene and her team. I am also excited by the innovative Knowledge-as-a-Service concept.”


Anu Ubaud

Anu Ubaud is a Co-Founder of the brand agency United Imaginations, which concentrates on the societal impact of companies. Prior to starting United Imaginations, Anu served as the Editor-in-Chief of Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s largest daily newspaper. She has worked in management and leadership roles within the Finnish media industry for 10 years, leading the digital transformation of journalism. In addition to her vast media experience, Anu was named “Vuoden nuori johtaja 2021” (“Young Leader of the Year 2021” in English). She is also a certified business coach.

Why did you invest in Prönö?

“I believe Prönö is an innovative frontrunner and has the ability to disrupt conventions in the business world and collaboration. Modern and flexible ways of finding strategic help, talent, advisors, best practices, and board members is exactly what is needed in ambitious companies now and in the future. I am very excited to start the journey with the company as an investor and a member of their advisory board.”

We are also delighted to share that our previous investors joined us in this funding round. Their support means a lot to us, and we want to acknowledge and thank them for their trust in our mission. To see the full list of all our past investors click here.

With the support of our new investors, Prönö is well-positioned to continue disrupting traditional business models and transforming the way professionals and companies connect and collaborate.

We are grateful for their confidence in our vision and excited to have them on board as we take the next steps in our journey. Together with our new and previous investors, we will continue to work tirelessly to make Knowledge-as-a-Service accessible to all and to help companies and professionals reach their full potential.

Thank you to all our investors for your support and belief in our mission. 💙


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