
The entrepreneur found help from Prönö in an unexpected situation

Meet Aki Laitinen, a fitness industry entrepreneur driven by a passion for success at Voima & Vire Valmennusstudio. Aki understands the power of mentorship and coaching for personal growth in both business and fitness. His journey took an unexpected turn in the summer while he was a part of the Prönö Summer X program. Help was just one click away, so he quickly and easily made progress.

“I prefer a model where mentoring and coaching are utilized for personal growth. I favor it both in my business in fitness industry and in my development as an entrepreneur. By tapping into the minds of others, one can extract so much more from oneself as well.

Prönö stood out with its innovative approach, which sets it apart from traditional methods of seeking help. It streamlines access to comprehensive support, even when you’re busy and fully occupied with work, eliminating the need to struggle to find the right assistance. Moreover, it facilitates a clear understanding of the meeting’s purpose for both parties, all within their automated platform.”
– Aki Laitinen, entrepreneur, Voima & Vire Valmennusstudio

It was refreshing that through one program, you could explore such a wide repertoire of experts.

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Needs – Experts – Sessions.

1. Needs

“Our goal was to find assistance in communication, marketing and also in software development. We were particularly interested in Prönö’s model, where you could choose meetings with the experts from whom we felt we could benefit the most. It was refreshing that through one program, you could explore such a wide repertoire of experts. 

2. Experts

Our pool of potential advisors quickly filled with interested professionals who genuinely wanted to help us. We had a clear vision of what we wanted to develop. I reviewed profiles and found interesting professionals. From 3000+ professionals it was clear that we found multiple to every need. 

I found the right advice for the unexpected situation that arose in the summer

3. Sessions

The sessions were even game-changing for our business. I met several experts who helped me, as an entrepreneur, avoid major pitfalls. I heard examples of how different companies and business operations had been managed. Hearing perspectives from a broader range gave me an understanding of what would work best for us. It was also interesting to hear and exchange ideas beyond industry boundaries.

Along the way, it became clear how versatile Prönö could be as experts came from so many different fields and backgrounds.

During the summer, plans within the business changed slightly. It was fortunate that through Prönö, I found the right advice for the unexpected situation and open questions that arose in the summer, and I also found an investor with whom I can now scale the business. I recommend turning to Prönö. Help is available; you just have to ask. And with Prönö, the rest of the burden has been lifted from your shoulders. 

“The more I met, the more I learned and the more I benefited from their knowledge.”

>> Read more about sparring for startups on Prönö <<


Since we have over 3000+ experts on our platform, listing them all here wouldn’t be practical. As Aki mentioned, the more you utilize Prönö, the more you’ll benefit from it. If you’re interested in discovering who’s available and how you can easily access all that knowledge, buy access now!

Get started with Prönö – today!

And tomorrow you will already get answers to your questions. Right pros, right time.


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