
Find speakers for your next event from Prönö: CASE – WinNova

An event is on the horizon, but there’s a speaker missing. What if you could access speakers who are experts in their respective fields? Find the experts from various domains gathered on a single platform. WinNova found the speakers from Prönö for their webinar, precisely with the specialized expertise they were looking for.

WinNova was about to organize a webinar for the DIGIKULTA project. This is a project coordinated by WinNova with the primary goal of enhancing the digital expertise of culture and event industry professionals. The closing weminar required speakers who could down-to-earthly discuss digitalization within the event and culture sectors.

They turned to Prönö because they were aware of the platform’s 3,000 experts across various fields, including over 1,000 individuals interested in speaking. Their need was specific, and the timeline was tight, so the search for a speaker had to be a smooth process.

How does finding a speaker on Prönö actually work?

There are two options: do it yourself or let us assist you.

In the case of WinNova, we provided assistance in finding suitable speakers. We contacted all potential candidates available on the platform, and those interested submitted proposals from which WinNova’s team made their selections.

The range of proposals was extensive and diverse. From this pool, three professionals were selected by WinNova’s working group as speakers for the webinar.

The other option is to gain direct access to all the speakers available on the platform, meet potential candidates first on the Prönö platform, and make decisions based on discussions. You can explore for free; we only charge a modest intermediary fee once you’ve found the right fit.

This is how WinNova felt after using Prönö to find speakers:

We were extremely pleased to have found expert speakers on a specific topic so easily. Prönö’s service was convenient and user-friendly. We will certainly recommend it not only for finding speakers but also for other expert needs in the future.” – Verneri Peltomaa, WinNova

We are always proud to highlight successful collaborations like the WinNova case, which demonstrates how Prönö offers a smooth and effective platform for connecting organizations with experts from diverse fields. This makes Prönö a valuable resource not only for sourcing expert speakers but also for various other needs.

Are you organizing an event or looking for experts to speak at your company’s webinar?

Start your search by yourself, with access to over 1,000 speakers, or let us assist you in finding the perfect match.


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