Muud Advisory Board

Muud is building an advisory board! Apply now

The next advisory board member search on Prönö is here! Brand Agency Muud is looking for advisors to grow as a more responsive brand agency. They are looking for professionals with a wide range of backgrounds to help them make their vision come true. Apply now!

Brand Agency Muud is about to become the boldest and most colorful brand agency in Finland. Their mission is to help to uncover the true purpose of companies, highlight their positive impact, and visualize their story to the world with a memorable visual identity.

“We specialize in meaningful and value-based branding. For our part, we want to help responsible companies and contribute to their goals. Everything we do starts with clarifying and rewriting the customer’s values ​​and getting the values ​​aligned through the entire staff of our customer company. We believe that these starting points will create more impressive and longer-lasting brands”, Juuli Aschan, Founder & CEO of Muud, explains.

“We have a vision to grow a significant brand agency that builds everything on top of values. Now, we are ready to take steps to move towards being an even more responsible brand agency.”

Muud is building an advisory board. And, you have the opportunity to apply

Become Muud’s new advisory board member through Prönö. Do not wait! Make sure your Prönö profile is in tip-top shape and join join Muud’s pool before 20th of January to be considered as their new advisor.

How to apply?

  1. Make yourself available for this advisory board position by joining Muud’s pool on Prönö before 20.1.2022
  2. Show that you are available for new opportunities as an advisory board member. Only then will you be considered. Check your profile settings on the experience tab.
  3. Add all relevant information to your Prönö profile to show your experience.

(And, if you are not yet on Prönö, you can create your profile by following the link above. When you have joined, you will be added to Muud’s pool automatically.)


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