
Case – Mesenaatti in the Crossroads

Sometimes, you need to pause and ask for advice in order to see the way forward.

This is what Mesenaatti did when they found themselves at a crossroads. In the last seven years, they had grown to become one of the leading crowdfunding platforms in the Nordics. However, the passing of one of their co-founders and role changes had left them in an unfamiliar situation. “We wanted to take a moment to assess which path would lead us to greater growth,” said Mesenaatti CEO Pauliina Seppälä.

With a community of over 57,000 individuals and 270+ successful crowdfunding campaigns in 2021, the company had a strong foundation to build on, yet it seemed to be challenging to identify new opportunities. “Working with the same mindset for a long period of time can make you oblivious to new opportunities. We needed the perspective of people who weren’t involved in our earlier days, and to hear their ideas of where they would like to see us in the future.”

Mesenaatti and Prönö collaborated to crystallize their current state and develop alternative roadmaps. They chose and booked sessions with advisors to gain insights about themselves and their business: “We learned much more than we could have without these sessions. Each session yielded new ideas and perspectives. It was truly inspiring!”

What next?

Mesenaatti is ready to take the next leap: “We are confident about what we need to do. Working with advisors in this automated session format was very efficient.” To further progress, Mesenaatti has a strong advisory pool of top advisors. “We will book advisory sessions in the future; it saves us a lot of time and keeps us focused on our business.


Mesenaatti found the advice they needed to move forward. Booking 1-to-1 advisory sessions on Prönö Platform is a quick and easy way to gain clarity on the road ahead without having to invest a fortune on a new strategy and execution. If you are “in between” decisions, book a free meeting with us and let’s see how we can help you.

Prönö is here to help!

Are you struggling to make decisions on your own? Or do you need some outside perspectives from experienced advisors? We have over 3000 advisors on our platform, ready to share their knowledge and ideas with you. Book a 15-minutes meeting with us and get the advice you need!

For more information, click here.


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