New brands are constantly emerging in the field of natural cosmetics. The global natural & organic cosmetics market has witnessed steady growth over the past few years. As one of the hottest industries, this market is projected to keep growing 10-30% annually, as more and more consumers prefer natural & organic ingredients in their cosmetics.
Now we are happy to share some of the most interesting mission-driven natural cosmetic companies. Here are our top picks from Finland in 2021 – truly a list worth checking out!
1. Luonkos
The fastest growing natural cosmetics brand from Finland

Have you already heard about Luonkos cosmetic cakes (sort of skin chocolate)? These lovely coloured hexagonal facial oil cleansing cakes and waterless powder products have gained wide attention on social media and even in Vogue magazine!

Luonkos was founded by three women – Piritta Fors, Miia Leino and Joanna Vesterinen – all passionate about sustainability, creativity and inspiring change. Their hard work has been rewarded, earning them several awards, including the “Best innovative” prize at the Nordic Beauty Awards, and they have been nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year at EY.
Now this fastest growing Finnish natural cosmetic brand has established a top place in the cosmetic field – and deservedly so.
Luonkos products are all handmade from natural ingredients. Responsibility has been the thread running through the birth of Luonkos to product development, production, packaging and purchases. Zero waste thinking is their guiding star in everything they do.
Their mission is to create innovative wonderful natural cosmetics solutions to help minimize the use of excess cosmetics, unnatural additives, and plastics. Check out their website to read more about this innovative company.
Do you like what they do? Make yourself available for Luonkos on Prönö if you would love to work with them.
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2. Soil of Beauty
Ancient wisdom & Nordic ingredients for modern skincare

Soil of Beauty is a Finnish beauty brand that blends ancient wisdom and Nordic ingredients to modern skincare. They design holistic skincare products by combining Finnish plants, Chinese medicine and consideration of nature. Their mission is to inspire people to adopt a more nature-conscious and sustainable lifestyle.
Soil of Beauty’s Founder, Henna Uusikallio, is a holistic skin therapist and acupuncturist who has combined her knowledge into a genuinely natural way to treat your skin and well-being. Her experience with traditional Chinese medicine and facial acupuncture provides the deeper understanding and results-driven approach to natural skin care of Soil of Beauty.
This company, their background and their products have been noticed among experts in the field. Their Essence Balm was nominated for a Nordic Natural Beauty Award this year.
Is their story inspiring to you as well? Make your self available on Prönö!
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3. Uute Scientific
Life without immune-mediated diseases

Urbanization has led more and more of us away from nature and its beneficial microbes. We are not getting our daily dose of microbes in urban environments – that’s why people are now more susceptible to autoimmune diseases such as asthma, allergies, and type 1 diabetes. Uute Scientific has found a solution to bring beneficial microbes to urban consumer goods.
Uute Scientific Oy’s vision:
Our vision is a life without immune-mediated diseases
Uute Scientific manufactures and sells a scientifically proven microbe extract that stimulates and supports the immune system. By adding their extract to everyday products, a healthy dose of nature can be brought into everyday life – even when it is not otherwise possible in an urban environment. In practice, diverse microbial exposure means daily contact with nature, which has well-established health benefits.
Uute Scientific Oy’s mission:
We are dedicated to life without immune-mediated diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, allergies and asthma.
Studies have shown that multiple microbial exposure protects humans and animals from autoimmune diseases and ailments. However, the prevalence of immune-mediated diseases in the population has been growing globally. Uute Scientific’s Reconnecting Nature™ microbe extract is an amazing innovation that can provide your daily dose! Read more on their website:
Right now it is available in cosmetics products for people and pets. Later also as a textile, edible, drinkable and medical device.
Does their mission inspire you? Would you love to make yourself available for Uute Scientific? On Prönö you can – with just one click!
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