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How to make your profile stand out on Prönö

On Prönö, your profile is you. Sharpen your bio, values and dreams to share more about yourself. Link up your social media accounts to give others a fuller perspective, and if you want to quickly list your experience, import it directly from LinkedIn. To get the most out of Prönö, make your profile show who you are and what your expertise is.

Your profession is the key factor

You will be found based on the professions and expertise areas you have added to your profile on the platform. Your profession determines the opportunities you can find. To be even more specific share under each profession how you can help.

With your Prönö profile, you will also be able to make yourself available to hundreds of companies on our platform and be found directly in their advisory pools. 

You can also be recommended by anyone on the platform, and that most definitely will boost your chances of being found. 

Sell your sessions

To sell your sessions you need to set up your price stage. You can select your hourly price starting from pro bono to 300 euros.

Remember to share languages you are able to sell your sessions. This makes it easier to see immediately your language skills when someone is interested in booking a session with you.

Impress with your bio

You should always strive to make a good first impression! Your bio is the first thing visitors see when viewing your profile. You have 500 characters to share who you are, what you do, and what value you bring to the table. This is the place to reveal your personality and highlight what’s most important to you. 

What are your goals?

We will be using UN Sustainable Development Goals to connect you to like-minded companies. Setting up those SDGs will most help you in being found when impact companies are looking for your expertise. 

​​Choosing your SDGs is something you probably have already done in onboarding, but in case you have not, please add to your profile the goals you most want to work towards. 

If you have not heard about SDGs yet, we recommend reading more from the dedicated UN website.

Share your dreams & values

We help companies find the best talents available to build a more sustainable future with. 

When looking for meaningful work, your dreams & values matter most. Your values tell who you are, your dreams show what you want to achieve, and your inspiration gives more insight about you. Add these to your profile in your settings

Share your background to show your past.

Share your background to show your past

We focus on the future. But your past is part of you and why you are wherever you are. To save yourself some time, you can transfer your experience from LinkedIn with just a few clicks. Go to your settings or first read how to do it here: 

Links provide you the opportunity to let others “learn more” about what you are working on. You can add any links you want, but we have pre-selected some of the most common ones, like links to your website or social media accounts. One useful tip is also to add your portfolio or blog. Read more here.

Our goal is to make you look as good as possible and be found by as many companies as possible. If you have any questions, or you need help with anything, just let us know


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